Video documentation (10:25 min)
Statement of facts:
For a long time, I thought that all UPOs were mute. But last spring C0034: The Gargantuan Shoe taught me to never assume anything about them.
Therefore, I remained calm when Sybil sent me a voice message about a suspect howling orange object in South London.
During the summer months, I learned to be more patient, to better listen and to trust the unknown. To act rather than talk.
When I reached the address, I found a pub. I found expensive food, I found some funky-looking people. Nothing uncommon in that, we are in London, the UK’s largest and wildest city.
But there I couldn’t find any suspect orange object. Unusual, my boss is always so precise. Initially, I thought that I might have typed in the wrong address, and then that I might be slowly losing my investigative skills.
Action plan:
Accompanied by TLSB colleagues and musical talents Johnston Sheard and Zach Toppin I am planning to visit the mysterious location again on 27/08/2022, to attempt to solve this challenging conundrum through a sonic conversation with the aforementioned howling object.
see bottom of the page for full Report
2022, Live Investigation (1 hour 30 minutes), Collective Ending, London, UK
Howling UPO (Unidentified Performing Object)
Installation view: Collective Ending, London, UK
2022, UPO (C0034-B), Materials under analysis, 500x310x230cm. Certification pending.
Mini UPOs (Unidentified Performing Objects)
Mini UPO (C0034 cornillano) – S, 2022 in comparison with UPO (C0034 cornillano) – S, 2020. TLSB certified.
2022, Mini UPO (C0034 cornillano) – S, Self-hardening clay, acrylics, varnish, steel nails, elastic laces, eco-leather, 15x7x13cm. TLSB certified.
Mini UPO (C0034 cornillano) – S, 2022 in comparison with UPO (C0034 cornillano) – S, 2020. TLSB certified.
2022, Mini UPO (C0034 krishnasaar) – S, Self-hardening clay, acrylics, varnish, steel nails, elastic laces, eco-leather, 15x4x14cm. TLSB certified.
2020-2022, Mini UPOs, Self-hardening clay – epoxy clay, acrylics, varnish, steel pins – steel rings, elastic laces, eco-leather – leather, 10-16x4x10-16 cm each. TLSB certified.
TLSB Portraits
2022, TLSB Portraits (C0034-B), Oil, acrylics, watercolour, pen and pencil on paper in anti-glare glass and MDF painted frame, 160x120cm.