Luca Bosani

2024, Artists at Work: Museum Residencies, Victoria & Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, UK

Supported by V&A Museum x Adobe Foundation 2024 Residency Programme.

2023, UPO SHOP, Hypha Studios, London, UK

Supported by Arts Council England and Hypha Studios.

2023, C0042: Los Portales Temporales, Paijáàäâãåąæāªn, Trujillo, Peru

Supported by Arts Council England.

Curated by Gerardo Chávez-Maza and Alberto Mendoza. Photography: Jorge Luis Segura.

Too Early to Love You, Too Late to Kiss You_Luca Bosani_Tate Britain_2019 4
Too Early to Love You, Too Late to Kiss You_Luca Bosani_Tate Britain_2019 05_2021
Too Early to Love You, Too Late to Kiss You_Luca Bosani_Tate Britain_2019 02_2021

2019, Too Early to Love You, Too Late to Kiss You,  Late at Tate,  Tate Britain, London, UK

Supported by Tate Collective and Chelsea College of Arts. Curated by MA Curating Chelsea College of Arts, coordinated by David Dibosa.

with: Connor Pelè Williams and Jack Wallace. Photography: Elena Romero Laguna, Hugo Lami.

2022, C0036: The Upside-down Rainbow, Osservatorio Futura, Turin, IT

Supported by R&P Contemporary and Arts Council England.

Curated by Federico Palumbo and Francesca Disconzi. Photography: Davide D’Ambra.

2023, C0041: Time’s Up, VSSL, London, UK

Supported by Arts Council England.

Curated by Benjamin Sebastian. Photography: TLSB.

2022, Tender & Masculine, Rosa Kwir, Balzan, Malta

with: Elio Mercer (shared space), Amy Pennington, Carlos Maria Romero, Dagmar Bosma, El Hardwick, Harry Hachmeister, Heather Glazzard, Jasmine Johnson, June Lam, Lucinda Purkis, Remi Graves.

Supported by Arts Council Malta. Curated by Charlie Cauchi and Romeo Roxman Gatt. Photography: Niels Plotard.

2022, run run run, Galerie Tatiss, Bienniale De Lyon Résonance, Lyon, FRA

Supported by Galerie Tatiss and Arts Council England. Curated by Béatrice Brechignac. Photography: Luca Bosani and Galerie Tatiss.

2022, C0034-B: The Gargantuan Shoe, Collective Ending, London, UK

Supported by The Eaton Fund, Collective Ending and the Mini UPOs Collectors. Photography: Luca Bosani.

2019, STRIP, Lewisham Arthouse, London, UK

As part of Rain Wetting Thirst with Jocelyn McGregor, and Sheila Rennick.

Supported by Arts Council England. Curated by Séamus McCormack. Photography: Tom Carter.

Five Knaves males masculinity in front of the US embassy under the Nine Elms pavilion wearing very colourful clothes and evident protrusions
Knaves Pink Guard Green Guard Paul Coombs Antoine Brutel Luca Bosani
Knaves Pink Guard Green Guard Paul Coombs Antoine Brutel Luca Bosani unidentified performing objects spears
Knaves of Radiance Cucumber Duel Luca Bosani
Knaves of Radiance Cucumber Duel Luca Bosani masculinity hyper masculinity
Knaves Cucumber Duel Luca Bosani

2018, Knaves of Radiance series (The Cucumber Duel),  Nine Elms Pavilion, Nine Elms on the South Bank, London, UK

As part of the Knaves of Radiance series (2017-2018 duels).

Supported by Outer Limits and Nine Elms on the South Bank. Curated by Rosie Hermon.

with: Antoine Brutel, Paul Coombs, Rafael Escardò Espejo, Joe Mackay, Tom Ribot. Photography: Nine Elms on the South Bank.

2017-2023, C0040: The Investigator’s Clothes, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf, GER

As part of Art Must Be Beautiful

Curated by Elisabeth Heil and Wilko Austermann. Photography: Lili Bloch.